We want to thank you for supporting our airsoft stores last 6 years. Your support took Modern Airsoft to become one of the largest airsoft companies in the world with most locations. You have supported us through thick and thin and it is our time to give back. Thus we have pooled the biggest raffle pool with over $20,000 worth prizes for the LARGEST GIVEAWAY we have ever done.
Tune in to our Facebook Live everyday at 7PM PST till the GRAND RAFFLE on October 10th. Raffle tickets are currently given away at our retail locations till October 9th at 7PM PST. Winners must claim their prizes within 48 hours with their raffle ticket.
Click here for our Facebook page!
Here is the list of current tickets drawn:
Sep 26th Drawing:
Yellow 950317 won 2 cans of ASG Green Gas. Retail Value: $27.98
Blue 700119 won CZ P-09 Polymer GBB Pistol. Retail Value: $114.99
Yellow 891302 won Black Tactical Vest with attachments. Retail Value: $119.99
Orange 482488 won Texas Star target system. Retail Value: $49.99
Blue 700272 won Scorpion EVO Airsoft AEG. Retail Value: $399.99
Purple 066209 won Custom Built M4 AEG. Retail Value: $359.99
Sep 27th Drawing:
Blue 700228 won Elite Force H8R Special Edition. Retail Value: $99.99
Purple 055032 won 2 cans of ASG Green Gas. Retail Value: $27.98
Purple 000596 won CZ BREN 805 Grey Short barrel. Retail Value: $379.99
Yellow 481963 won Modern Airsoft Beenie. Retail Value: $29.99
Yellow 482278 won Halloween Fang Mesh Mask. Retail Value: $17.99
Blue 700503 won 5100 Lancer Tactical Bio 0.20 bbs. Retail Value: $19.99
Sep 28th Drawing:
Purple 000189 won 2 cans of ASG Green Gas. Retail Value: $27.98
Purple 055092 won M14 Socom AEG. Retail Value: $199.99
Yellow 890920 won G&G GPM 1911 GBB Pistol. Retail Value: $184
Orange 481923 won 3 Enola Gaye Smoke Grenades. Retail Value: $44.97
Yellow 891926 won EG18 Enola Gaye Smoke Grenade. Retail Value: $17.99
Orange 481009 won Custom Battle Belt. Retail Value: $100
Orange 482085 won 5100 Lancer Tactical Bio 0.25 bbs. Retail Value: $24.99
Orange 083242 won Custom MP5. Retail Value: $630
Sep 29th Drawing:
Orange 481927 won 5100 Lancer Tactical Bio 0.25 bbs. Retail Value: $24.99
Orange 482464 won 2 cans of ASG Green Gas. Retail Value: $27.98
Red 204104 won UVT106-2.0 Tracer Unit. Retail Value: $76.00
Yellow 891651 won Holster. Retail Value: $50
Purple 055477 won VISM NCStar Cross Draw Vest. Retail Value: $60
Purple 066022 won G&G CM16 Raider 2.0 (Deans). Retail Value: $206
Purple 055495 won Custom Stubby M4 Proline. Retail Value: $610
Sep 30th Drawing:
Red 481927 won 2 cans of ASG Green Gas. Retail Value: $27.98
Purple 066279 won 5100 Lancer Tactical Bio 0.25 bbs. Retail Value: $24.99
Yellow 950876 won Propane adapter. Retail Value: $24.99
Yellow 481560 won G&G PCC45 AEG Assault Rifle. Retail Value: $379.99
Purple 055888 won Custom LMG. Retail Value: $750
Yellow 891000 won Lancer Tactical Vest CA-303B. Retail Value: $79.99
Purple 066737 won Flashlight Universal Holster. Retail Value: $29.99
Oct 1st Drawing:
Orange 083355 won 2 cans of ASG Green Gas. Retail Value: $27.98
Orange 482493 won CYMA Dragunov AEG DMR. Retail Value: $249.99
Orange 481436 won Warsports JPC Tactical Vest. Retail Value: $50
Yellow 950691 won UVT106-2.0 Tracer Unit. Retail Value: $76.00
Red 204577 won Tactical Hat. Retail Value: $19.99
Yellow 890306 won 5100 Lancer Tactical Bio 0.20 bbs. Retail Value: $19.99
Red 204243 won G&G Armament ARP 9 Sky AEG. Retail Value: $285
Oct 2nd Drawing:
Purple 055650 won Custom Avalon Space gun. Retail Value: $800
Orange 482860 won Wosport Multicam JPC. Retail Value: $50
Purple 066531 won Wosport Bipod Grip. Retail Value: $10
Yellow 950543 won HFC Pistol Launcher. Retail Value: $60.00
Purple 000448 won BB pouch multicam. Retail Value: $15
Yellow 950057 won 2 cans of ASG Green Gas. Retail Value: $27.98
Oct 3rd Drawing:
Red 204535 won Vism NEW folding grip. Retail Value: $14.99
Purple 066323 won Vism Guitar Gun Bag. Retail Value: $70
Blue 700151 won VISM two point sling. Retail Value: $20
Blue 700034 won Mark 3 QD sniper scope NcStar Vism. Retail Value: $110.00
Yellow 890790 won Jag Scattergun Spx tan. Retail Value: $350
Oct 4th Drawing
is combined with Oct 5th Drawing!
Oct 5th Drawing
Purple 010198 won Echo 1 XCR TAN AEG. Retail Value: $269.99
Purple 066103 won E&C XM177. Retail Value: $319.99
Purple 000815 won Vism QD T1 scope red and blue. Retail Value: $69.99
Red 205122 won Ncstar Reflex Optic Red Dot Sight. Retail Value: $49.99
Yellow 950695 won Echo 1 Quasa. Retail Value: $189.99
Blue 700864 won Vism ECO Lcan Scope. Retail Value: $239.99
Orange 481935 won Vism Picatinny Vertical grip with sling loop. Retail Value: $20
Yellow 890319 won 2 point Sling. Retail Value: $21.99
Yellow 891231 won 2 point Sling. Retail Value: $21.99
Yellow 890150 won VISM MLok Foregrip. Retail Value: $20
Yellow 066650 won VISM NcStar Double Gun Bag. Retail Value: $69.99
Oct 6th Drawing
Yellow 890629 won Lancer Tactical LT-04B Proline AEG. Retail Value: $259.99
Orange 481933 won Echo 1 Full Metal Redstar RIS AK47. Retail Value: $349.99
Blue 700509 won Ca-313KN Tactical Vest. Retail Value: $54.99
Blue 700818 won Vism/Ncstar Reflex Scope 4 reticle. Retail Value: $59.99
Purple 000329 won Vism/Ncstar Double Rifle Bag BLK. Retail Value: $64.99
Orange 481541 won Vism Picatinny Vertical grip with sling loop. Retail Value: $20
Yellow 951032 won VISM VAPTF Strobe Pistol Light. Retail Value: $54.99
Oct 7th Drawing
Yellow 950663 won Jag Arms Scattergun wood grip and stock. Retail Value: $249.99
Purple 066386 won 2 point Sling. Retail Value: $21.99
Yellow 891275 won NcStar Red Blue Green Scope. Retail Value: $69.99
Yellow 951534 won Lancer Tactical Gen 2 M4 AEG. Retail Value: $200
Red 448778 won VISM VAPTF Strobe Pistol Light. Retail Value: $54.99
Purple 055357 won E&C XM177 Rifle. Retail Value: $319.99
Oct 8th Drawing
Red 205066 won E&C Striker Mlok AEG. Retail Value: $369.99
Purple 055750 won 2 cans of ASG Green Gas. Retail Value: $27.98
Yellow 890012 won Solar SDP Vism scope. Retail Value: $149.99
Orange 482371 won Mlok Vism Grip. Retail Value: $19.99
Orange 481390 won LANCER Green Lt-30 Proline. Retail Value: $319.99
Red 448857 won VISM VAPTF Strobe Pistol Light. Retail Value: $54.99
Grand Raffle Oct 10th Drawing
Purple 010702 won Classic Army M133 Mini Vulcan AEG Minigun. Retail Value: $1199.99
Purple 066972 won Custom LA-CAPA Hi-CAPA. Retail Value: $1000
Orange 481940 won GHK Glock. Retail Value: $449
Orange 700905 won Airsoft RPG7. Retail Value: $449
Red 205965 won VISM NIJ Certified Level 3 Plate. Retail Value: $449
Yellow 950519 won Vism Ncstar Guitar Rifle Case. Retail Value: $299.99
Orange 481499 won Vism Double Gun Bag 46″. Retail Value: $89.99
Yellow 951995 won Ncstar 4 Reticle Reflex Scope. Retail Value: $54.99
Purple 010139 won 2 point Sling. Retail Value: $21.99
Purple 010515 won 2 point Sling. Retail Value: $21.99
Yellow 950523 won CA-1506 Vest Tan. Retail Value: $59.99
Orange 482444 won E&C XM177 Rifle. Retail Value: $319.99
Yellow 950079 won E&C XM177 Rifle. Retail Value: $319.99
Red 204173 won Echo 1 PSR Sniper. Retail Value: $179.99
Red 205679 won Echo 1 Bronze Cyclops Pistol. Retail Value: $199.99
Yellow 890812 won Jag Scattergun HD REAL WOOD. Retail Value: $299.99
Red 205579 won Lancer Gen 3 Tan AEG. Retail Value: $249.99
Red 205922 won E&C Striker MLok AEG. Retail Value: $369.99
Blue 700815 won JAG Scatter Gun Keymod. Retail Value: $319.99
Orange 482973 won Ncstar Mark 3 Scope. Retail Value: $109.99
Yellow 891408 won Ncstar 4 Reticle Reflex Scope. Retail Value: $49.99
Yellow 950283 won Vism Ncstar T1. Retail Value: $69.99
Red 448291 won Vism T1 WIth 5MW Green Laser. Retail Value: $119.99
Blue 700778 won Vism COmbat Grey RGB Scope. Retail Value: $69.99
Yellow 891887 won Vism SDP Solar Optic. Retail Value: $149.99
Red 205613 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Red 205757 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Yellow 951823 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Yellow 950891 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Yellow 950586 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Yellow 890195 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Orange 083422 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Purple 010664 Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Purple 055713 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Purple 055871 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99
Purple 066528 won Jag Shotgun Shell Holder. Retail Value: $19.99