Airsoft shotguns are, after rifles and pistols, one of the types of weapons commonly used in the practice of military simulation or airsoft by those fans of confrontation activities, where they are used as a tool of defense against the adversary.
This particular type of airsoft guns is a mode of long weapon normally used by the player as his main weapon in the game, because it is the longest range and of course, visually, the most attractive. These are usually the favorites of customers who play the role of riflemen in practice, for its large size and great resemblance to real weapons used in the military field.
Just as there are different types of airsoft guns, there is a great variety of shotguns, as well as replicas of real weapons that can be used by both old players and those who want to start in the world of airsoft. These are classified according to their principle of operation, being able to be by spring, electric (AEG), or gas (GBB).

It’s no secret that the number of balls fired increases the likelihood that your attack will be successful. An airsoft sniper would try to quickly dismantle this argument, and it would also be true. But this is the “truth” of the shotgunners. If you have to clean a big room shoot, don’t be afraid. Your function is to clean, to clean the room very well. Clean, above all, leave everything clean of enemies. See? maternal advice on cleaning your room can already be applied, she will feel proud.
Your function is not only to clean, in fact, but your function is also to open the way. Look for the rebound. Play intelligently and before entering shoot the front wall and look for the angle. Let your balls bounce and make your enemy inside the room: retreat, lose calm, move or make a mistake. The teammates who enter after your shot will be grateful for those seconds of confusion in the opponent you’ve got for them.
It is something that happened, happens and will happen to all generations of shotgunners. It is not possible to maintain the account, that or the cartridges lie to us. At the moment of greatest need, your shotgun will not have ammunition, you will not know how it happened but it has happened. So when in doubt, load a new cartridge. You will be slower shooting but you are three, six or twelve times more effective eliminating.
A shotgun might play a role similar to that of open-field support. Your fire superiority surpasses that of the rest, especially if you play indoors and the rules are to shoot in semiautomatic. Don’t be afraid to shoot, cover with a white blanket of balls the advance of your companions or cover the windows with endless downloads. You shoot three, six or more balls, the rest go one at a time. Take advantage of your team.
There are several studies from recognized universities that show how the sound of an airsoft shotgun when cocked offers a greater degree of happiness. This cannot be contrasted but we can assure you that the “cla-cla” of the slide of your shotgun is the antechamber of a huge smile on your face. What you do next will depend on your skill as a player, but happiness for that sound is something only a shotgun man knows.