Classic Army

Classic Army is a manufacturer of Airsoft Guns that replicate the real thing. Classic Army is based in Hong Kong. They produce Automatic Electric Guns (AEG) and a small number of Gas Blow Back (GBB) Pistols. Designed to resemble real firearms, these replicas fire 6mm plastic BBs at safe velocities. Classic Army Airsoft Replicas also feature pre-upgraded internals such as metal bushings and poly-carbonate pistons. For more info visit 

Classic Army

Classic Army

Classic Army (Yick Fung International) is a manufacturer of airsoft replicas based in Hong Kong. It produces automatic electric guns or AEGs, and a small number of GBB (Gas Blowback) pistols. Designed to resemble real firearms, these replicas fire 6mm plastic BBs at safe velocities. Within the airsoft community, Classic Army is often abbreviated as simply “CA.”


Classic Army

Classic Army AEG’s are characterized by their many metal parts and realism, in that most parts that are metal on the real-steel counterpart are also metal on the replica (although they are usually not cross-compatible). These metal components usually include the frame and body, as well as the firing mechanism (called a “gearbox”). CA replicas also feature pre-upgraded internals such as metal bushings and poly-carbonate pistons.

Classic Army Airsoft Guns

Classic Army Airsoft believes in encouraging all Airsoft Safety Guidelines

Classic Army would like everyone to treat Airsoft Guns as if they are the real thing. Below is an example of a few important airsoft guidelines, however it is not a complete list.

  • Don’t think that an orange tip will clearly identify the airsoft gun as such; the general public that is unfamiliar with airsoft can mistake airsoft guns for real guns and criminals have been known to have real guns painted with orange tips.   
  • Keep in mind that at even a moderate distance, it may be impossible to tell an airsoft gun from the real thing.  In order to maintain a safe playing environment and to not alarm non-players, caution and discretion must always be practiced.
  • When using airsoft guns, make sure everyone within view of you understands and approves of what you are playing with and what you are doing.  
  • Always transport airsoft guns unloaded and inside a box or a bag.
  • Airsoft sports should only take place in legal settings, never in areas where it is prohibited by legal statute at any level, or contrary to the will of the landowner.
  • Never use or display airsoft guns in public places such as schools, parks, etc.